Sunday, June 13, 2010

June meeting

SWC met Saturday, June 5, under the able leadership of new VP CHRISTY COWDEN. We welcomed visitor John Brizzi. Members passed an amendment to the bylaws which made some minor changes in assignment of officer duties.

Membership fees for 2010-2011 are DUE NOW! Several members paid dues at the June meeting. Others are reminded to take care of that quickly, as new rosters will be distributed soon and only paid members will be included. Also, some of our activities are reserved for members only, such as Making a Mark awards and Round-Robin Reading. Members will also enjoy reduced contest fees for the 2011 contest and will be able to participate in some mini-contests planned for members only this year.

MARIAN POE and BARBARA MOORE agreed to serve on the planning committee for a one-day conference to be held in conjunction with the 2011 Shreveport Writers Club contest. A third volunteer is sought for early planning. President BECKY HAIGLER will join the committee as well. Please let one of these ladies know if you would like to be on the core committee, or if you just want to contribute some suggestions for the event and logistics of the conference/contest.

Members voted to make a memorial donation to Willis-Knighton Hospice in honor of Marjorie Clayton.

New bookmarks with updated meeting information were distributed. Members are encouraged to watch for opportunities to share them with potential members.

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